Monday, June 2, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend - Bike Trip

With a long weekend in the mix and no real plans to get out of town, we threw together a quick overnight bike trip out to a lonely ranch in the hills East of Milpitas. Having only been there via automobile, I knew the terrain was going to be tough, but I underestimated how difficult it would be on a touring bike with 40 pounds of gear. I also quickly found out that I pack about the same amount of gear for an overnight trip as I would for a week or two in the saddle. Havana Club rum, check...iPod with external speakers, check... You can't sacrifice all of life's comforts.

In less than 20 miles, the road quickly takes you away from civilization. It evolves from not very well maintained tarmac into a horrible combination of loose gravel and rutted out dirt. At times, your mind wonders how exactly a road was even cut over such terrain. Nontheless, after climbing over 5500 feet and after cursing the steep grades, we found ourselves at a pristine camp sight under an old oak tree surrounded by a gang of gobbling wild turkies.

For a few more images of the trip, click here.

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