Friday, May 23, 2008

A Long Weekend in Peru

Heading to Peru for our cousin Karin's wedding, we were fortunate enough to have a seven hour layover in El Salvador. Giving us ample time to flag a taxi and go for a quick tour of San Salvador. We were very happy to find an alternative to the not so comfortable chairs at the airport waiting room. A 9:00am pupusa feeding frenzy and Pilsener (El Salvador's national cerveza) swilling extravaganza quickly was in the cards for us. Not a bad way to start our trip.

Once in Peru, we were treated like royalty and enjoyed our short time in Lima very much. Karin & Werner's wedding was one of a kind and we were happy to see the entire family under the same roof. Sipping fine scotch and wearing funny hats, the wedding lasted until the early morning and we ended up, oddly, at a karaoke bar singing with those that were still standing. To see pictures of our trip, click here.

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