Monday, October 5, 2009

The Lake 2009

Honnedaga Lake is a place that we all hold very close to our hearts. As a kid, it was our ticket to a virtually untouched wilderness without boundaries. We were free to explore and let the woods absorb all the youthful energy we had to offer. As an adult, not much has changed. The lake is still an escape and its natural beauty and tranquility are unmatched. It runs so deep in family history and traditions that it's appreciated beyond words.
This year, the lake added a new memory. Brett proposed to Morgan during a late night canoe paddle under the stars on Jones Lake. The still silence of the Adirondacks was briefly broken as Brett yelled from the middle of the lake, "She said YES!". I couldn't be happier for my cousin and selfishly am pleased to add one of my best friends to the family.

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